Radiographs - TMJ/pain/implants


Transcranial Series - 6 images taken on a single film to analyze the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) boney structures and relationships.  When taken in conjunction with Doppler of the TMJ, pain assessment of the TMJ and associated muscles, the transcranial series very useful for screening TMJ disturbances.  More complex cases may require either and/or a CT Scan and MRI.

CT Scan - Typically referred out of office for a series of images to analyze boney structures of the upper and lower jaw.  These 1:1 images give 2 dimensional images without distortion.  Can be taken to analyze for boney changes in the TMJ, and is becoming very useful for more complex pre-implant surgery.

MRI Scan - Typically referred out of office for a series of images to analyze soft tissue structures of the upper and lower jaw.  These 1:1 images give 2 dimensional images without distortion.  Taken to analyze for TMJ disc displacement in the TMJ.  In addition, various weighting protocols can be useful to see boney changes.